April 14, 1973 - December 14, 2008
In Remembrance
Celebrate the life of Douglas Eron Schlaff by viewing the photos on this page or use the links at the top of the page to listen to the ceremony held at Manistee High School, or to read the incredible articles written about Doug in the Grand Rapids and Manistee newspapers. In the words shared by his brother Paul, “I believe that Doug would want us today to perhaps miss him a little bit, but to take something positive from our experiences with him, have fond memories, and to choose to live our lives as fun, appreciative, fair, devoted, brave, and loving human beings. He would want us to take care of each other, and for all of us to be sure that we look after his family. So let’s honor him as Doug the husband, father, brother, son, uncle, teacher, counselor, coach, colleague, and friend.”